The Nephilim
This series is devoted to the remarkable topic of the Nephilim. It is shown herein that the Nephilim (Rephaim, Zumim, etc.) are products of an unusual union between human women and fallen angelic beings ("who left their first estate"). While to the modern-mind this notion seems fanciful and mythological, it is nonetheless precisely what the historical narratives of the inscripturated word of God communicate. Indeed, the Greek, Roman, and Nordic myths are pagan corruptions of the historic narrative of Gen 6-9.
The series is in 3-parts. Part 1 discusses the initial breakout of the Nephilim incursion during the Antediluvian period. The Scriptures describe these creatures as "unusual" and even the LXX translates "Nephilim" using the Greek "Gigantes" (giants). When examining pseudepigraphal literature with this idea it seems that the Antediluvian Nephilim were exceptionally large and grotesque. Their existence and need to destroy God's "Baramins" seems to be perfectly in line with Satan's attempt to destroy the coming One who was to assault him with "a mortal wound to the head".
Part 2 is devoted to the Post-Diluvial Nephilim as they seem to center their main focus on the Promised Land. These Nephilimic creatures seem to be tall (making humans look as grasshoppers), but they do not seem to be as grotesque as their Antediluvian counterparts. Their goal was no doubt to keep the nation of Israel from bringing in the Wounding One. It seems that by the end of the Old Testament Period, even as early as the end of the United Monarchy these creatures were killed off to extinction.
Finally, Part 3, after the Body Age, the Restrainer is taken away and God's soteriological program is changed back to bringing in the Earthly Kingdom program. The Body Age is over and God deals with nations as he did all through the non-Pauline Scriptures. The first event on God's prophetic calendar after the Rapture is the releasing of the Zechariah 6 wagons and siring the Future Nephilim, but now they are focused on the nation of Israel, no doubt to thwart the coming of the 144K, God's human instruments ordained to take back the land. But, unlike the previous two periods of Nephilimic incursion, Satan finally gets the "genetic engineering" correct and now one can not see a visual difference between a true human and a Nephilimic Humanoid. This is seen in Mat 13. AntiChrist and FalseProphet are both Nephilimic thoroughly corrupting the moral and ceremonial laws of God and the future Temple. The future Nephilim are finally crushed and utterly destroyed by the 144K as they are led by Shekinah throughout the land in the great Campaign of Armageddon, the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel's 70th Week.
Session One (To be Revised)
The Antediluvian Nephilim
This session introduces the topic of the Nephilim and details their Antediluvian activities, including an exegesis of the relevant sections of Genesis Chapter Six and discussion as to their origin, identity, purpose, and motives. Next this session includes discussion on relevant historical sources, which when interpreted within the Biblical Framework provide a rich and exciting view into this topic. Finally, we examine modern literature and recognize that the Nephilimic ideas are throughout modern literature, in particular science fiction. This entire topic is often remarkably exciting and sometimes fanciful, but the Scriptures are quite clear as to the Nephilim identity and purpose contrary to liberal theology and indeed much of so-called conservative evangelicalism. The Normative Hermeneutic will be rigorously applied as we go through the relevant Biblical texts.
Session Two (To be Revised)
The Post-Flood Nephilim
In this session, we shall examine the rise and fall of the post-Flood Nephilim looking at their chronological rise, geographical distribution and extent, and their final destruction by David and the united Monarchy. We see in Genesis 6 that Moses tells his audience that a Nephilimic incursion occurred prior to and after the Flood of Noah.
Session Three (To be Revised)
The Future Nephilim
In this session we examine the Future Nephilim who focus their attention on the future nation of Israel. Immediately upon the Rapture, the Zech. 6 wagons are released, and sire the future Nephilim, but this time it seems only with the Nation. These nephilimic Jews are identified as the Tares of Mat 13 as they grow up with true genetic Jews undetected, until such time as they "manifest" themselves" and begin to persecute Israel. AntiChrist, FalseProphet and his "Anti-Priesthood" are products of this union where we show that AntiChrist is a Nephilimic Jew from Diaspora, while FalseProphet and his priesthood are from within the Land (Rev 13). Finally, they are eventually all gloriously defeated by the future 144,000 Jewish warrior priests as they are led by Sheklinah and detailed for us in the Prophets (Joel, Amos, Micah, Obadiah, etc.) as they take back the land promised to Abraham, setting the stage for the ushering in of the Millennial Kingdom.